Silver Dollar Bar Rescue Update: Where are they now?

Where dose the Silver Bar Situated?

--- Location: 341 3rd Ave Chula Vista, CA 91910 ---

What was the name ( title ) of the episode?

The episode named, "Silver Dollar Saved Is a Silver Dollar Earned" of season 7 was really amazing


Who owns the bar?

A father-son duo owns the bar. Mike Tegardine Jr. and Sr. are the main owners of Silver Dollar Bar. 

What is the update of Silver Dollar Bar?

--- Open ---

Silver Dollar Bar rescue episode update. Here is everything you need to know regarding this episode and their owners.




The Silver Dollar Bar rescue episode was an epicenter of discussion among the followers of Bar Rescue reality shows. This bar, located in San Diego, California, is owned by a father and son. 

In this article I'm going to give you a detailed and informative update of the Silver Dollar Bar rescue episode, the owners and the bar too. 

So if you are interested in what's happening with the bar and bar owners, then stay tuned with me.



Is the Silver Dollar still open?

Yes, the bar is totally open these days. They are fully active in their business, but there is nothing like precious. Everything is changed there by this three to four years.



Where are Mike Tegardine Junior and Senior now? 

This is the big question now. Where are Mike Tegardine Jr. and Sr. now? What are they doing? Are they still the owners of the bar?

You know what? Every freaking question here has a positive answer. Everyone in the family, along with Mike Jr., who quit his job, worked hard for their business.



Is the business doing better than before? 

Quite better! The team is ready to do anything for the business this time. So it seems that the ba*r is doing well till now. 

The recent feedback and review are mostly positive for Silver Dollar. Everyone is loving the place and enjoying their every single offering. 


What are customers talking about with Silver Dollar?

A reputation of a restaurant or ba*r mainly depends on word of mouth. If the customer's review goes positive for a ba*r then everyone thought that the place is good for relaxation.

Word of mouth for Silver Dollar is mostly positive and appreciative. That means customers are enjoying the bar.



When was the Silver Dollar Bar rescue episode aired?

7th June, 2020, is the date when the Silver Dollar Bar rescue episode aired. I know remembering the day is worth nothing. 

But as an informative writer, I'll always mention necessary information to keep you up to date. 




The Silver Dollar B*ar Rescue episode was a lesson for those who are strangling with their ba*r and restaurant business. 

I've mentioned all the update information regarding The Silver Dollar Bar rescue episode.




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