Decoding the Tradition: Why Many Indian Restaurants Choose to Close on Tuesdays?

Indian restaurant closures reasons on Tuesday

Have you ever planned to eat at an Indian restaurant on a Tuesday only to learn that the gate was locked when you got there?

I think you've gone through something similar that made you want to know the answers. Why are the majority of Indian restaurants in the United States closed on Tuesdays?

I'll explain this tradition's origins in this explanation by analyzing the strategic, tactical nature, and cultural factors that contribute to this curious phenomenon.

Why Is Tuesday Special In India?

In India, various religious beliefs and social norms revolve around Tuesday. Observing religious prohibitions, people choose whether or not to work on this particular day. 

On this day, a lot of Indians visit temples, worship the gods and goddesses, and take part in religious ceremonies. For this reason, Tuesday is very important in the lives of many Indians.

What Do Indians Believe About Tuesday?

In many parts of India, there is a belief that it is inauspicious to start a journey or start a new business on Tuesday. 

Tuesday is called Mangalwar in India and Mars is known as Mangal all over India. For this reason, Indians believe that Tuesday is ruled by the planet Mangal. This belief creates a different perception of this day among many Indians.

Are All Indian Restaurants Closed On Tuesdays?

Not at all. Tuesdays have remained open for business for the majority of Indian restaurants that I've come across and those that are situated in different American cities.

However, it is true that some Indian restaurants close on Tuesdays in some of the largest cities in the world.

Therefore, it is important to note that Indian restaurants, both in the USA and other countries, sometimes close on Tuesdays. 

I'm trying to make everyone aware of a truth that I think is common but hidden behind it.

Why Tuesday Is Special In Indian Culture?

Several cultural and religious beliefs can be related to the Indian tradition of viewing Tuesday as a significant day. Tuesday is dedicated to the worship of Lord Hanuman, a Hindu deity renowned for his bravery, strength, and devotion. 

Devotees think that by performing specific rituals on Tuesdays, they can call upon Lord Hanuman's blessings for protection and strength.

Furthermore, Tuesday is associated with the planet Mars (Mangal in Hindi) in some parts of India, and it is thought that doing things related to this day can be fortunate.

Tuesdays are fasting days, as I have witnessed many of my Hindu friends observe. As a result, I think that Hindus' social and professional lives have changed significantly on this day. This may also be one of the reasons Indian restaurants close on Tuesdays.

Reasons Behind the Shutdown Of Indian restaurant on Tuesday

There can be a lot of reasons behind the closure of Indian restaurants on Tuesday, and some of them I've already explained. Still, some points have remained untouched; let's have a look at them.

(i) Practicing Superstition

You will be surprised to hear that most of the people in India believe in various false and absurd words spread by it in the name of practicing Astronomy. 

This astronomy is not the same as scientific astronomy. They use the motion of the planets and stars to guide them in making significant decisions about human life. And their thought is respected by many astute analysts.

Many Indians consider it inauspicious to initiate activities on Tuesdays. For instance, traveling or starting something new is often avoided on this day.

Tuesday is considered Goddess Lakshmi's day, and it is believed that if you lose anything on this day, the Goddess will forsake you, leaving you lost.

(ii) Unique Business Strategy

To create a different taste sensation, some Indian restaurants follow this tradition to present themselves differently. By developing a distinct brand, they attract specialized customers who look forward to the midweek reopening. 

By using a strategic approach, a cultural practice can become a competitive advantage and foster deeper customer engagement, and following the unique business strategy can be another reason for Tuesday's shutdown. 

Final Words

When we break down the tradition of Indian restaurants closing on Tuesdays, we find a tapestry woven with strategic intent, logical concerns, and cultural patterns. This strange decision, steeped in custom, goes beyond its cultural roots to become a distinctive business approach. We discover that this seemingly random practice is a complex expression that highlights the richness and diversity built-in in the Indian culinary experience as we navigate the regional variations.

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