Which city of the USA has the most Indian restaurants?

There are countless Indian restaurants all over the world.  However, in this article, I am going to highlight the number of Indian restaurants located in different states of America.

Many have asked me, which city in the US has the most Indian restaurants? I am moving the discussion of this article forward by providing answers to their questions.  I will also include the number of Indian restaurants in popular cities in the US.

I am going to present detailed data about the number of Indian restaurants in 5 popular cities in the USA.  Hope you stay with me throughout the article and enjoy all the unique information.

The Rise of Indian Restaurants in the United States

The popularity of Indian restaurants has grown significantly in the United States over the past few decades. One of the reasons for this is Americans' interest and love for Indian food.

The rise of Asian restaurants ( Korean, Bangladeshi ) in the US has added a new dimension to the restaurant business in this country.  Among the Indian restaurants in America, some restaurants have become so popular that they have earned the title of Mitchell Star.

Number of Indian restaurants in the USA

You will be surprised to know the number of Indian restaurants in the USA.  According to data from rentechdigital, as of 2024, there are about 8418 Indian restaurants across the USA.  That number is Hughes.

These 8418 Indian restaurants are spread across different states of the US.  In the next part of the article, I will tell you which state has the most Indians and which state has the least.

Which city of the USA has the most Indian restaurants?

The answer to this question is California.  You will find different answers in different sources and forums on the internet;  For example, Quora says New York has the most Indian restaurants.  But the correct information is that California has the most Indian restaurants.

Below I am going to share the information in detail about how many Indian restaurants are there in which US state.

1. California

California alone has 1,667 Indian restaurants, which puts this city at the top.  The number of Indian restaurants in California shows how much the people of this state love Indian food.

Indian restaurants located in California, 0.004% of the total population there.  This means there are 4 Indian restaurants for every 1000 people.  So it appears that the state of California is ahead in terms of the number of Indian restaurants.

Bangladeshi Eatery in Los Angeles 

2. Texas

The Texas city is number two on this list.  There are about 888 Indian restaurants in this American city.  In addition to Indians, Americans also flock to these restaurants.

Compared to California, Texas has half as many Indian restaurants as California.  However, the ratio of Indian restaurants in this state to population ratio is 0.0042%.  That means, like California, this state has more than 4 Indian restaurants for every 1,000 Americans.

3. New York

A large number of Indian eateries can be found in New York's areas such as Jackson Heights and Curry Hill.  However, there are 772 Indian restaurants across the city.  That figure puts New York City third on the list.

New York is undoubtedly a populous city.  About 35 million people live in this city.  Considering the population, New York has 2 Indian restaurants per 1,000 people.  This rate is lower than in California and Texas.

4.  New Jersey

New Jersey is one of the states in America where most Indians live.  However, in terms of number of Indian restaurants, the state comes fourth.

But do you know the most surprising fact? New Jersey has only 8 million people and despite such a small population, this city has 487 Indian restaurants.  There are 7 Indian restaurants per 1000 civilians in this state.

5.  Florida

The fifth place in the list is the state of Florida with a population of about 16 million.  There are 371 Indian restaurants in this state.  So it appears that the number of Indian restaurants in Florida is very less compared to other cities.

This list could have been bigger but I have highlighted the 5 cities that have the most Indian restaurants.

Final Words 

I have collected this unique information about Indian restaurants from various sources on the internet.  But the website that helped me the most is, rentechdigital.  If you want, you can get detailed information about various restaurants from here.

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